Mario Ravić
Head of IoT & Digital Health
Ericsson Nikola Tesla

Mario Ravić is Head of IoT & Digital Health business area in company Ericsson Nikola Tesla. He led product development and market introduction for medical product Ericsson Mobile Health (MDD 2A) used for remote patient monitoring on the global market. For the last nine years he is actively involved in commercial and research digital health projects worldwide. In Internet of Things business area he is leading IoT data management platform R&D for IoT projects in different industries. Employed in Ericsson Nikola Tesla on various management positions for tha last 18 years and since recently he is mentoring several digital health startups through Startup Factory accelerator. Graduated on Faculty of electrical engineering and computing in 1999 where he also obtined M.Sc. in 2011, and during 2016 he enrolled graduate program „Leadership and Management of Healthcare Services“ on Medical Faculty in Zagreb. Fluent in English, basic buiness in German („Deutsch fur den Beruf“ certificate), basic in Italian.