Dr.sc. Vanesa Benković
Head Market Access
Novartis Hrvatska

Graduated music at Catholic University of Zagreb, masters study LMHS at Medical Faculty Zagreb and holds PhD on health inequalities at Sociology -Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb. Vanesa graduated a series of courses and educations in field of pharmacoeconomics, health economics and advanced modeling in HTA in France and Austria (European Society of Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics & Universität für Medizin und Technik). She received Open Society scholarship at European University of StPetersburg, Russia where she graduated a three year course in health economics. She teaches Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics at Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy University of Zagreb, Research Methodology, Statistics and Market Research at Bernays School for Public Communications in Zagreb.
Her work includes extensive list of health economic analysis and consultancy for drugs, devices, technologies in the CEE region and cost of illness studies (diabetes, malnutrition) as well as research and scientific board engagements for various EU projects (PaSQ, Registry of Registries PARENT, SMARTCARE, CAREWELL, UrbanHealth Centers). Her engagements include health business intelligence consultancy on a World Bank project of public health care system integration, research project Performance on Health Systems in CEE. Vanesa publishes in the areas of sociology, public health, pharmacoeconomics and health economics. Currently employed at Novartis.