Stjepan Orešković
Redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju European Academy of Sciences and Arts Member
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Medicinski fakultet, Škola narodnog zdravlja „Andrija Štampar“

Stjepan Orešković ima bogato iskustvo u znanosti kao profesor na nizu vodećih svjetskih sveučilišta i glavni istraživač međunarodnih znanstvenih projekata. Redoviti je član European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
U svijetu poduzetništva poznat je kao uspješan investitor i menadžer velikih privatnih kompanija.
Predsjednik je Nadzornog odbora međunarodne poslovne škole IEDC Bled i većinski vlasnik M+ Grupe
Bio je ravnatelj Škole narodnog zdravlja Andrija Štampar. Osnivač je i direktor World Health Organization Collaborating Center for HIV Strategic Information koji je obrazovao više od 2600 polazinka s pet kontinenata iz 110 zemalja svijeta.
Glavni je istraživač (PI) GLOBAL GRAND projekta (2018-2023) koji uključuje kliničke i bihevioralne timove s Harvard Medical School – Massachusetts General Hospital te Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani i Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Profesor Orešković vodi zajedničke obrazovne, istraživačke i konzultantske projekte te međunarodne konferencije kao predsjednik, glavni istraživač, fellow, lecturer ili gostujući profesor na vodećim sveučilištima u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (Harvard University) Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital Harvard Medical School Associate, Harvard Medical School Blavatnik Institute, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine Center for Bioethics, The Ethical Responsibilities of Universities Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University) Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indianna University, Indiana University and Purdue University, Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu (London School of Economics and Political Science, London School of Hygiene and Tropial Medicine), Francuskoj (L’Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique Université Sorbonne Paris Cité.) Italiji (Università Bocconi, Università di Trieste) Njemačkoj (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Zentrum der Psychosozialen Grundlagen der Medizin Institut für Medizinische Soziologie) i Sloveniji (Medicinska Fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani).
Autor je ukupno 156 recenziranih članaka, knjiga i poglavlja u knjigama (Google Scholar h-index 21 i10 index 38) kod vodećih svjetskih izdavača kao što su Springer Publishing, Elsevier Science, Wiley-Blackwell, Pergamon Press te Cambridge University Press te član savjeta ili redakcija u časopisima poput Croatian Medical Journal, Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, Socijalna Ekologija i British Medical Journal reviewer
Uspješno je radio je kao konzultant za na velikim projektima za međunarodne organizacije kao što su The World Bank, European Commission DG Science i World Health Organization. Predsjednik je Savjeta Centra Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji se bavi istraživanjem i promocijom najboljih zdravstvenih metoda i praksi. Predsjednik je organizacijskog odbora međunarodne konferencije Data Science and Right to Science te keynote speaker na brojnim konferencijama. Bio je član Upravnog odbora ASPHER-a
Profesor Orešković u međunarodnoj je javnosti prepoznat po svojim projektima koji njeguju inovativne intervencije i istraživanja zdravstvene zaštite u području bioetike i gerontologije, kontrole ovisnosti o duhanu, prevenciji pretilosti, novim oblicima ovisnosti uključujući i ovisnost o internetu.
Recipient of the “Nikola Tesla Genius for the Future Award for the Ethical Business” –
Presented by Transparency International, Supported by the European Union. Jul 2023
Transparency International Croatia and the Nikola Tesla Association – Genius for the Future awarded Stjepan Orešković the Nikola Tesla Award for Ethical Business for outstanding achievements. Supported by the European Union, this award recognizes individuals for their work and business activities inspired by the actions of Nikola Tesla, primarily for their ethical behavior, business practices, and humanism.
Recipient of the Award for Promotion of Knowledge and Links between Science and Entrepreneurship –
Presented by MBA Croatia · Dec 2020
The MBA Croatia Association, which was awarded for promoting knowledge and links between science and entrepreneurship, is an organization of academically high-profile management individuals who are attending or completing some of the MBA studies.MBA Croatia gathers more than 1000 high-profile management individuals
Global Research Award for Nicotine Dependence
Issued by Global Research Awards for Nicotine Dependence (GRAND) –
The Order of the Croatian Star with the effigy of Katarina Zrinska for extraordinary services for health care, social welfare, and the promotion of social and moral values.
Znanstvenici i mediji o profesoru Oreškoviću:
Njegovi ključni projekti, aktivnosti i urednički članci predstavljeni su u svjetski vodećim znanstvenim časopisima i knjigama
The Lancet i British Medical Journal
“Global Health Leadership and Management” (predgovor David Rockefeller), “Global Health Disparities” (Enku Kebede Francis), “Urban Health” (predgovor Michael R. Bloomberg).
Nastupao je, pisao priloge ili su njegovi projekti predstavljani u brojnim vodećim međunarodnim i nacionalnim medijima uključujući i Bloomberg, Huffington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, CNN, BBC, RTL PTIT, HRT, Delo, NBC.
“Under the leadership of Stjepan Oreskovic, this program has contributed greatly to modern public health in other parts of former Yugoslavia. These leaders also have achieved much in the policy area, as illustrated by the effective programs against tobacco use in countries such as Poland and Croatia…” Professor Martin McKee, President of the British Medical Association, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in Global Health Leadership and Management
“Success in Croatia – The program’s sustainability was secured because of the collaboration of the partners. According to the Lancet article, Professor Stjepan Oreskovic highlighted the seriousness of tobacco prevalence in Croatia.”
Enku Kebede Francis, Global Health Disparities: Closing the Gap Through Good Governance.
“Ako odgovor na pitanje tko je Stjepan Orešković potražite na svemogućem internetu može vam se učiniti će radi o zabuni, da vam se prikazuju materijali o dvije ili možda više osoba…”
Najava gosta emisije Nu2 voditelja Aleksandra Stankovića.
“Nepromišljenost ga je uvodila u razne neprilike, iz kojih se uvijek izvlačio da poleti još više jer je, brate, pametan, na onaj elementarni način, što bismo mi rekli – ”snalažljiv”. U toj snalažljivosti dostigao je kapacitet genija. Kao i doktor Strange, doktor Stjepan Oreskovic može preoblikovati samu stvarnost!”
Denis Kuljiš, Journalist.
“Under the leadership of Stjepan Oreskovic, this program has contributed greatly to modern public health….” Professor Martin McKee, President of the British Medical Association
He has rich experience in science as a professor at several leading world universities and the principal researcher of international scientific projects. He is a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences.
In the world of entrepreneurship, he is known as a successful investor and manager of large private companies. He is the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the international business school IEDC Bled and the majority owner of M+ Group, international CX, and BPTO group, employing more than 13.000 employees in 16 countries and working at 63 markets for more than 300 companies.
Stjepan was the director of the Andrija Štampar School of Public Health. He is the founder and director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for HIV Strategic Information, which has educated more than 2,600 students from five continents and 110 countries. He is the principal investigator (PI) of Pfizer’s GLOBAL GRAND project (2018-2023), which includes clinical and behavioral teams from Harvard Medical School – Massachusetts General Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb.
Professor Orešković leads joint educational, research, and consulting projects and international conferences as president, chief researcher, fellow, lecturer, or visiting professor at leading universities in the United States (Harvard University) Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital Harvard Medical School Associate, Harvard Medical School Blavatnik Institute, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine Center for Bioethics, The Ethical Responsibilities of Universities Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University) Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indiana University, Indiana University and Purdue University, United Kingdom (London School of Economics and Political Science, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), France (L’Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique Université Sorbonne Paris Cité.) Italy (Università Bocconi, Università di Trieste) Germany (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Zentrum derPsychosozialen Grundlagen der Medizin Institut für Medizinische Soziologie) and Slovenia (Medical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana).
He is the author of a total of 156 peer-reviewed articles, books, and book chapters (Google Scholar h-index 19 and 10 index 36) from leading world publishers such as Springer Publishing, Elsevier Science, Wiley-Blackwell, Pergamon Press and Cambridge University Press, and a member of the advisory board or editor in journals such as Croatian Medical Journal, Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, Socijalna Ekologija and British Medical Journal reviewer and Frontiers in Public Health associate editor.
He has successfully worked as a consultant on major projects for international organizations such as The World Bank, the European Commission DG Science, and the World Health Organization. He is the president of the Center Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, which researches and promotes the best health methods and practices. He is the chairman of the organizing committee of the international conference Data Science and Right to Science and a keynote speaker at numerous conferences. He was a member of the Management Board of ASPHER.
Professor Orešković is internationally recognized for his projects that nurture innovative interventions and health care research in bioethics and gerontology, tobacco addiction control, obesity prevention, and new forms of addiction, including internet addiction.
His key projects, activities, and editorial articles were presented in the world’s leading scientific journals, the Lancet and the British Medical Journal, as well as in the books “Global Health Leadership and Management” (foreword by David Rockefeller), “Global Health Disparities” (Enku Kebede Francis) and “Urban Health” (foreword by Michael R. Bloomberg). He performed and wrote articles or presented his projects in numerous leading international and national media, including Bloomberg, Huffington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, CNN, BBC, RTL PTIT, HRT, Delo, and NBC.
Scientists, entrepreneurs, and media about ProfessorOrešković:
“Under the leadership of Stjepan Oreskovic, this program has contributed greatly to modern public health in other parts of former Yugoslavia. These leaders also have achieved much in the policy area, as illustrated by the effective programs against tobacco use in countries such as Poland and Croatia….“ Professor Martin McKee, President of the British Medical Association, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, in the book “Global Health Leadership and Management.“
“Success in Croatia – The program’s sustainability was secured because of the collaboration of the partners. According to the Lancet article, Professor Oreskovic highlighted the seriousness of tobacco prevalence in Croatia.“
Enku Kebede Francis, in the book “Global Health Disparities: Closing the Gap Through Good Governance.“
“If you look for the answer to the question of who is Stjepan Orešković on the almighty Internet, you may be confused because you are shown materials about two or maybe more people…” Announcement of the guest of the NU2 TV show by Aleksandar Stanković.
“Audacity led him into various difficulties, from which he always got out to fly even higher because, brother, he is smart, in that elementary way, what we would say – “resourceful.” In this inventiveness, he reached the capacity of a genius. Like Doctor Strange, Doctor Stjepan Oreskovic can reshape reality itself!” Denis Kuljiš, Journalist.
Denis Kuljiš, Journalist.